To solve this proble, please do some of the following steps :
Check Temperature
a. Go into bios and check the hardware monitor or healthy. Enter bios by pressing the F2 key or dellete key when the computer just turn on. After the entry in blue color display, this is called the bios .. If the temperature continues to climb up and not stop so forcibly shut down the computer by pressing and holding the power button or by unplugging the power cord into the electrical source.

b. Open the CPU Casing
c. Remove the processor cooler
d. Clean processor cooler a thorough cleansing and add pasta
e. Before replacing, remove the first processor is approximately 5 minutes to reset
f. Replace the processor and it’s cooler as they are carefully and test running ..
g. Good luck
If the temperature is stable then clean up the memory slot and the legs and VGA memory if you use a AGP/pcexpress VGA card. Do it all with careful because if not careful will be fatal ..